Fraud Training

Check fraud, counterfeiting, scams, and not placing appropriate holds are among the fastest growing problems affecting our financial system.

These produce estimated annual losses of tens of billions of dollars… and losses continue to rise at an alarming rate. While financial institutions have policies and procedures, checks and balances, there are still losses. However, there is a solution! There is a single thing that can immediately reduce fraud losses – financial institution staff!

It’s not that they haven’t been trained; it’s that they handle dozens of items. And fraud is not as easy as it used to be to spot. With today’s easy availability of electronics, alterations, forgeries, and scams of all kinds have risen to a new level.

But now there is a simple proven fraud training solution that is certain to reduce your losses. TRC Interactive’s “First Line of Defense…Fraud Detection and Loss Prevention Challenge,” an online interactive experiential exercise helps keep your staff sharp, focused and alert to the latest scams.

View a demo of First Line of Defense here

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